Saturday, July 3, 2010

North Carolina Pictures

Hello, everyone! Here are some pictures of our place in NC. We are so sorry for the long delay in posting anything on here, but life sure gets busy fast!!

This is our beautiful garden, but sadly... we had to leave it. (for the story go to Daddy's maiden)

Here are our cucumbers growing up the ladder, and the butternut squash is growing next to it. Isn't God creation beautiful!?!

"I am the vine; and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Luke 15:5

Sweet photo of our kitty! (This was back here in TX at our new house, but it was just too cute to not post!)

Butternut squash

This is our beautiful egg plant blossoming! If you look towards the bottom of the plant, you can see an eggplant starting to grow & it's just starting to turn purple! Did you know that the vegetable is white at first? Hence it's name.

These are our green beans and peas which are just starting to sprout.

(for some reason Blogger started to underline everything and can't get it changed....)
Such a precious photo of Emily and our little brother Jaden!!

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him."
Psalm 127:3

Just past the barn is the garden!

This was our long driveway! That huge tree, believe it or not is an (ornamental) cherry tree!
We also had an apple tree!

Apples on the tree

These are some old barrels we found! I'd thought it would make a great photo!

These are our
beautiful herbs! (basil, chives, cilantro, parsley, oregano.)
We brought our herbs with us but we didn't think things through... we put them in the moving truck and well... they shriveled up and died. But surprisingly the chives are coming back! (It's the grassy looking stuff!)

Lovely strawberry plants we got from some friends!

Horse shoes! I just love this picture!!

God's creation is beautiful!

1 comment:

Caley said...

We had a wonderful experience doing the garden! We hope to do another one!